Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Metapoetry #2 - The What

Just click on the image to read the poems.

What are poems?

They are usually a collection of words, but not necessarily. Artists have found other ways to build poems with sounds and other sensory stimuli too. Think of experiencing poetry of fragrance. Walking though a barn yard, for example. Or a lumber yard. Whatever a poem actually is, it is something that sets our mind, or our heart, or our nerves into movement, that is, if the poem is of interest. If it isn't, well, then that's not the poem for you. For example, a hair salon does nothing for my olfactory poetry receptors.

These three poems have addressed some characteristics that can define a poem.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Metapoetry #1 - Mouthe the Poem

Just click the image to read the poem. Welcome to my Metapoetry collection. Over the next three months, I will be sharing poems about poems in the next postings, here at Mouthe the Poem. In total, to date, I have selected 33 meta-poems but may not include them all here.  Of those, twenty-nine were written holographically, four were composed on the computer keyboard. The poems were written between 1993 and 2009 and comprise an interesting cross section of poems about poetry. Some speak to the page, others explain the whys and hows of creating poems. A few of the pieces are about other poets. There are poems that play with audibles and graphics, and others that contemplate the ways poems spill forth, and the reasons we often fail to share them. My first poem is about a word, in fact it is about… The Softest Word. I hope you will check in for new introductions.