Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Found a Rogue PNG

Writing is a long unending spiral and poems pop out at me, unexpectedly, often to be set aside and usually lost.  This one arose sometime in 2011.  As I was recovering another project from a vast yet amazingly safe archive on a dusty 12 year old PC, I found another poem I had forgotten.
Thoughts disappear.  Thoughts captured can sometimes be poems.
In my ongoing theme of metaPoetry, another for that kit - writing about writing about writers - Dale and Di.
It is a bit depressing, but writers will get it.  We cannot help but spill words through our forearms to paper or keyboard, and like the frustrated water colour maker or styrofoam snowman agent, we keep spilling this so-called art until we have a hoard.

But I love finding the odd wee treasure, long forgottens, that hit home my love of word art.

~~n  (p.s.  I found it as a .png ffs!  Have no idea where the text version went. haha)

Monday, September 23, 2019


Candles are for weekends
The evenings then are special
Video is for nights before sleep-ins
And sometimes time for lemon cake

Listen to the rain while you can
Before the storm windows pin down
Leave the dried flowers on the stem
And in two hundred days

Lights off so you can walk in secret
Room to room
Windows open to the moon

Deafen to the squeaks of the steno chair
The rattle of the corning
When the fridge cuts in
And thankfully, no drips

When an enthusiastic puppy
In small space
Rugs slide, and we laugh together.

Equinox 23/09/19