Nestling and rejigging is a documented mental health tool. My poems sit safely in the database but also there are a few big binders in hard copy. This week I found a craft envelope with no label and spilled out a collection of 45 poems, one per page, that had been submitted to a literary critic and on the front poem was scrawled in black ink - "nancy - these are great poems enuff to be publishable (undecipherable word), signature, exclamation point". That was in 2009. Today I went through the set, one by one and agree. I didn't get bored going through them, but then reading your own poems is like mirror gawking and reliving. I don't spend a lot of time back there - the poems are what save me from reliving my choices over and over. I am a forward living person. That said, here is one that rather punctuates that thought. It isn't the greatest of the batch - but not the oddest either. Working title of the collection is "Finding Strength in Poetry", because after reading these 45, I feel super empowered! Enjoy this one. I will post a few more as I move through this .pdf to vanity press process. I have a feeling it will be interactive multi-media, because I like that stuff too. Today is a good day.
Lovely. Pre-9-11. The question to ponder is: Have you become the woman you thought you would be? All that matters is that WE know who we are and who we are becoming.